Model 9623-EV Leak Rate Monitor

Model 9623-EV Leak Rate Monitor

The Model 9623-EV is a new revision to it improves upon a proven design

The Model 9623-EV is a revision built from an industry proven design. This unit can function with no power source by utilizing an internal internal air/electric generator.
It has three flow ranges and one pressure channel. The 9623-EV quantifies the component’s leakage rate by maintaining a constant gas pressure against the barrier being tested while measuring the gas flow rate needed in order to maintain that pressure constant. Using three ranges, a 1000 to 1 turn-down ratio is achieved with a 1% of full scale accuracy over each of the three ranges. Each flow range is customer selectable. Full scale flow ranges up to 400 slpm may be ordered. This same unit may also be used to perform temperature compensated pressure decay tests on large volumes.
High Accuracy Pressure Regulator
Ruggedized Color Touch Screen Display
Three Flow Ranges
Please call or email for information [email protected]
Please feel free to contact our engineering staff to discuss your application needs at

On-Site Leak Rate Monitor Calibration and Repair

On-Site Leak Rate Monitor Calibration and Repair

Leak Rate Monitor and Gas Flow Meter Calibration and Repair at Your Facility

Graftel can calibrate and repair Local Leakage Rate Monitors on your site. This includes contaminated LRMs inside of the RCA. Our team of experience technicians have all been recently badged US nuclear power plants and are experience in working inside of the RCA.
For those critical gas flow meters that just can’t leave your site, Graftel, LLC. now offers calibration services at your facility.
Gas Flow Measurement, up to 1500 slm, (3000 scfh)
Graftel uses a set of PC controlled portable laminar flow elements to achieve laboratory gas flow measurement and calibration accuracies of up to 0.5% of reading at your facility. The following gas flows may be measured; air, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, propane, argon, methane, ethylene, carbon dioxide, oxygen and acetylene. Other gases or custom mixtures maybe used upon request.
Graftel, LLC. can calibrate almost all types of LRMs and flow meters with accuracies of up to 0.5% of reading.
Please feel free to contact our engineering staff to discuss your application needs at

Leak Rate Monitor Accessories

Leak Rate Monitor Accessories

Graftel offers a full line of accessories to fit your complete LRM needs

RCXD17 Mobile Utility Cart
The ultimate LRM accessory. The RCXD17 is a robust, versatile and portable workstation. The RCXD-17 is designed to securely store and operate LRMs. Any of Graftel’s standard sized leakage rate monitors (LRMs) will fit the workstation. This units also incorporates all available accessories and then some in one package. A mini unit is also available upon request.
This includes:
Quick Fill Manifolds
Available Sizes:
This manifold allows for the quick filling of large volumes. This stainless steel manifold incorporates 1” and 1/2″ pipe, welded fittings and ¼ turn ball valves. This device allows for quick pressurization, testing as well as quick depressurization as shown below.
Check Nozzles
Available Sizes:
Just screw a check nozzle into the test port of the 9623-07 and set the monitor pressure to the test pressure labeled on the Nozzle Check. The 9623-07’s Nozzle Check Screen will tell you if the measured flow rate is within tolerance to the expected flow rate labeled on the Check Nozzle. All nozzles are 1/4” or 3/8 “ NPT and made from stainless steel. Each Check Nozzle comes with a NIST traceable certificate of calibration.
NPT Check Nozzle certified to flow 26.5 scfh with a 55.0 psia inlet pressure
Pressure Decay Option
Part Numbers:9202 (Temp Sensor) & E-20 (High Accuracy Pressure Transmitter)
The quickest and most accurate way to leakage rate test a large volume, (such as airlocks) is using the pressure decay method. Graftel’s temperature sensor sensor Model 9202 can be used with high accuracy pressure transmitter to performing pressure decay tests on LRMs.
The LRM pressure decay screen reads pressure and temperature data from the 9202 and displays the leakage rate, air pressure and temperature.
Supply Air Conditioner/Pre-Regulator
Part Number: GT-1399K12
Most flow meter as found out of tolerances are due to the use of dirty, wet or oily supply air. This simple low cost device connected to the LRM inlet alleviates all of those conditions. This device both filters particles and traps any entrained oil or water from the supply air before it can enter the LRM
Max inlet pressure is 150 psig and the regulating range 0 to 125 psig.
This regulator can flow up to 1000 scfh, (approx 500 slm) at 100 psig.
Please call or email for information [email protected]
Please feel free to contact our engineering staff to discuss your application needs at

Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Temperature and Humidity Sensors

ILRT Systems and Sensors

Graftel is a manufacture and supplier of high accuracy humidity/temperature measurement equipment. Our systems are also used as OEM equipment for ILRT/LLRT testing instrumentation, as well as a consultant to the Nuclear Power industry. Graftel’s smart sensors have been in use in the U.S. since 1993 and have proven to decrease set up and test duration as well as minimize the amount of cabling and penetrations required. Graftel not only does complete testing services but also manufactures, services and calibrates all required instrumentation.

Graftel Leak Rate Monitors

Graftel Leak Rate Monitors

LRM, Flow Standard & Accessories

We are proud to announce our new generation of leak rate monitoring systems are now available. These have become the industry standard in nuclear applications for leak detection.
Graftel designs, manufactures and calibrates a full line of LRM testing instrumentation. Our Local Leakage Rate Testing Systems are a compact, light weight and rugged rig used for performing flow make-up or pressure decay Type B and C tests on valves, flanges, airlocks and other containment barriers.
Our state-of-the-art units utilize all digital flow instrumentation. The microprocessor based laminar flow elements may be relied upon to accurately and repeatability measure air or nitrogen flow. Flow rates are direct reading in units switchable between scfh, slm or sccm. Either air or nitrogen may be used. Pressure and temperature effects are automatically compensated for, no correction factors are ever required.

Graftel Aircraft Leakage Testing System (ALTS)

Graftel Aircraft Leakage Testing System (ALTS)

Graftel Aviation Leak Test System

Working closely with aviation manufactures, Graftel is proud to announce the ALTS. This device is a user-friendly, portable leak testing system designed to perform leak rate quantifications of aircraft fuselages, and other components related to pre/post production aircraft.
Using modern digital instrumentation, the ALTS ensures great accuracy and reliability of tests. The ALTS uses precision pressure regulators to accurately control pressurization / depressurization rates and test pressures.
It utilizes a high accuracy coriolis flow meter and a thermal mass flow meter. The touch panel on the ALTS provides live data and is USB enabled for simple data recording. The system was designed to accommodate the user with a simple and seamless calibration process.
The ALTS is an easy-to-use & portable leak testing system designed to perform leak rate tests of aircraft fuselages and related components. Designed around the user, the ALTS ensures reduced test times. Using modern digital instrumentation. The ALTS ensures great accuracy and reliability of tests.
This unit uses precision pressure regulators to accurately control pressurization/ depressurization rates and test pressures. It has a coriolis flow meter and a thermal mass flow meter which are accurate yet robust to excess pressures. ALTS utilizes two digitally controlled solenoids for easy switching of flow ranges between the two meters.
The touchscreen on the ALTS provides real time data and is USB enabled for easy data recording.


Low Flow Meter
High Flow Meter
Cabin Pressure Sensor


Please feel free to contact our engineering staff to discuss your application needs at

Acquisition of ILRT Inc.

Acquisition of ILRT Inc.

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies is excited to announce the acquisition of ILRT, Inc. on Friday December 29, 2023. The new acquisition will merge into Graftel, LLC, combining decades of service excellence and expanding both ILRT and Graftel’s offerings across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.
As a combined team, we will continue to offer internal leak rate testing, instrumentation system setup, and installation services for ILRT customers while focusing on quality, deliverability, and culture that creates a safe and reliable world.
Dave Glover, President of Graftel, will lead the talented ILRT and Graftel teams as they continue to provide industry-leading integrated leak rate testing across the globe.
Should you have any questions, you can contact:

Graftel & Alicat Flow Meter Calibrations Made Easy

Graftel & Alicat Flow Meter Calibrations Made Easy

Alicat and Graftel are partnering to ensure quick turnarounds on recalibrations

Graftel has been a customer of ours for almost two decades and has developed into a highly valuable partner. As a full service accredited lab for gas, liquid flow, pressure, temperature, air velocity, and humidity, they can support a variety of calibration needs in the market. Our team has fully trained Graftel to calibrate Alicat gas flow meters and controllers, and we recommend using their facilities for quick turnarounds on recalibrations (10 days, with 1 day expedite option).
Photo of Calibrator Taking Readings from Leak Rate Monitor
Calibrating Alicats on Graftel's laminar flow standard test bench.

Graftel has calibrated thousands of Alicat meters and controllers over the years for a variety of end users in industries across the world. With this level of experience, naturally it would be a great fit to begin a partnership with Alicat as one of their certified OEM calibration lab vendors. Maintaining industry leading turnaround time and high level quality services, Graftel and Alicat can always ensure customer needs and expectations are surpassed.

Calibrating your flow device at Alicat or Graftel

Most Alicat devices are recalibrated by our service team in-house. When a device is sent to Alicat, our team first double checks and logs analog signals, settings, sensor health, LCD functionality, and connector threading. They then calibrate the device using NIST-traceable standards. We recommend sending your device back to Alicat for a full inspection and calibration at least once within the first three years to ensure full functionality.
Graftel performs calibrations for Alicat flow meters and controllers. They are, however, not trained to perform full inspections or repairs. If you are uncertain whether you should calibrate your device at Alicat or Graftel, reach out to our application engineers, and they will help you find the right solution.
Why recalibrate?
Over time, particulate deposits or minor physical changes within the flow body or internal electronics can lead to deviations from the calibrated flow curve. Recalibration brings instruments back to their optimal calibration specifications.